Aldine UMC will be hosting a boys and girls basketball camp from July 14-17 from 3-6pm each day. Camp will be for incoming 5th-incoming 8th graders boys and girls for the 2025-2026 school year. The camp will be held at the Alloway Township School Gymnasium, 43 Cedar Street Alloway, NJ 08001.
The cost is $100 and can be paid online at or by mailing a check to Aldine UMC Basketball Camp, Attention John Whitt, 780 Friesburg-Aldine Road, Elmer NJ 08318. Registration includes a camp photo, a basketball, and a camp tshirt. Waivers and Additional information will be emailed to you upon registration completion. Full Payment is due for the camp by June 14th.
Any questions, please contact John Whitt at 609-420-1024 and .